Sunday, September 28, 2008

Internet Marketing Opportunity

Looking for and internet marketing opportunity? If you have ever been in a really good discussion forum you may be tempted to start your own. Before you do that you may want to get out a piece of paper and write down some of the positives and negatives of having your own discussion forum.

I will help you out by listing a couple of pros and a couple of cons when it comes to starting your own forum on the Internet.

3 Reasons To Start Your Own Forum

1. Certainly one benefit to having a forum of your own is it brings traffic, and repeat traffic back to your website. This will improve your Alexa ranking and allow you to rank high for various keyword phrases within the search engines themselves.

2. Along with the benefit of more traffic comes the internet marketing opportunity of selling more of your product. Not only selling more products, but you can build a very quality mailing list from visitors too. This allows you to instantly launch products and make sales when new products come out.

3. By owning your own forum you can shape the discussion within it. This allows you to control the type of things that are discussed and to a certain extent have an input into future discussions, and products that are being developed.

3 Reasons Not To Start Your Own Forum

1. One of the negative aspects of starting your own forum is getting traffic to it. If you have ever been to a dead forum you have probably left very quickly. Getting enough traffic to make your forum seem lively is one of the hardest things you will do when you first start out.

2. Another thing is you will have to monitor the content that is being placed in your forum. As the owner you are responsible for what is being discussed. It will be important that you find a handful of top moderators who can help you determine what is acceptable and what is not acceptable when it comes to the discussions themselves.

3. Discussion forums can bring you income but they can also be time consuming for what you get out of them. You want to make sure that you are in it for the long haul and not just excited about the idea and then ready to quit once it begins to seem like work.

These are a handful of reasons why starting your own forum may be an internet marketing opportunity for you, and why you may not want to. The decision ultimately will come down to you.
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David Ogden is an established online marketer who specializes in practical website resources and advice.

Author : David